这既有趣又无聊的电影是怎么拍出来的剧本一定程度上有趣但是演得太无聊了吧虽然我懂可能想拍成一个惨惨惨的人然后发现 true self什么 greater power greater responsibility想让大家 relate但是看半天还是一个自愿选择底层工作工作做得又好的不那么普通的人突然发现自己有超能力的故事结局是早上醒来腰不痛背不酸了自己内心也修复了和老婆儿子的关系也在向着越来越好发展乳房被揉了以后就会有硬块疼虽然很快就出现了中二的 super villain但是感觉完全无所谓呢
new yorker那篇影评很好:His songs or arias offer little inner portraiture, only the most apparent declarations of motives, with the sole exception of his references to “the abyss” and to his grave error of gazing into it—comments of a hand-waving vagueness that simultaneously glorify and trivialize the antihero.